Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Might Actually Be Here

So, Mandy and I both thinking that spring is actually here, which is exciting. There have been back-to-back warm days, energy levels are up and we are enjoying our little strip of yard with the G!

Aint she cute!??! And, I think my dog is beautiful, but check out that grass!!!! We had a rough first season with it last year thanks to some overactive crochus, drought and other issues. But this spring, it is lush. Mandy thinks it looks fake. It just goes to show what 3 bags of seed and the investment in a lawn care provider can do for you. Before the sun torches it again this summer, come on by and walk barefoot through it.

Spring is also the time to end hibernation and enjoy some life outdoors. I'm on the road again this weekend, but this time for pleasure. DUDES WEEKEND! Brian is coming into town tomorrow and we'll play some overly-competitive golf for beer... beer that we will be consuming when we drive up to Michigan with the fellas to cheer on Rockford Lacrosse, coached by the world famous Tim Murray. For all of your Rockford lacrosse fever, give them some love here.

I should have good pictures and maybe some videos to post of that upon my return...

One more cute picture of the baby... What a cuddler!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're feeling up your dog! but it's not cheating, cuz it's your dog.