Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Casual Everydays!

One of the things I love the most about my job and this agency is that we have no dress code. …So everyday feels like casual Friday! On windy, stormy mornings like this, it feels like such a luxury to throw on your favorite sweatshirt, a pair of well worn, perfect fitting blue jeans, and some comfy flats for…gasp…work.

Mornings are only ever tough for me because getting dressed often feels like a chore. I have always been emotionally involved in my clothes. No matter how many times I lay them out the night before, fully accessorized, belts, adorable boots, matching socks and so on, the cute outfit almost always gets overlooked in lieu of my mood that morning.

Then, there’s Will. He’s a pretty spiffy guy, and always looks so put together sitting at the kitchen table with his banana, but Will’s big secret is that he “pulls from the left.” That means whatever shirt is in the rotation on the left is what he wears. Right is for clean clothes, left is for wearing. How easy is that!? Why can’t I be so easy?

I’m grateful knowing that, while I’m perfecting my “pull from the left” system, my job gives me a break, and let’s me wear what I want—whatever or wherever I may find it.

On another rambling note, Gracie had her annual check-up at the vet last night, and did really well—she even gave the tech a “high five.” So stinking cute even the vet almost fell over. Anywhoozer, $400 later, we were being talked into buying a new flea and tick medication that Lilly just released.

“It smells a little funny, but only for a couple minutes and it soaks in really fast,” the vet said. Sounds great! We’ll take it.

When we actually applied the stuff at home, we realized that it probably kills fleas and ticks by gassing them to death. I opened windows, turned on the attic fan, put Grace in her kennel, and went to the basement with Will to avoid the stench of our poor paint-thinner scented pooch. We are obviously awesome parents as she was stuck in a little cage with her own smell, but we couldn’t handle it. Nasty, nasty stuff. When the guilt finally got to me, and I heard a little whimper coming from upstairs, I dug an old IU tee shirt out of a box, and cut it to fit her and cover the gross blob of oil between her shoulder blades. She liked it. Here is a shot from Gracie’s “Casual Monday.”

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