Thursday, July 16, 2009

There's no place like home...

Hello, summer. Good to see you.

Ah July, and the Watervale Road has infiltrated my mind, spilling its delicious blues and greens into my dreams. Each day I awake hoping to find a bar of handmade soap on my vanity and blueberry buckle at my snap-dragon adorned breakfast table.... Nuts. It's still not time for vacation (our New Year.)

Let's reflect, then, on the year we've been given. All of us.

And while you're reflecting, however you may do so, peruse a few shots of our beloved old home. Here are a few of the inside. The garden is yet to come (two new zucchini today!)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Rhythm

Summer is, obviously, the season that seems to go by the quickest, but Mandy, Grace and I are enjoying the middle of it right now about as well as you could. The yard is still green (thank you mild, wet weather) and the vegetables are taking off. Our first tomato will be ready for picking any day now with about a dozen more on the vine waiting their turn. We have the world's biggest zucchini plant with no zucchini. Same can be said for the watermelon, which has a vine that grows 3 inches a day in 4 different directions. And the little critters are devouring our first strawberries. While I don't enjoy digging in the dirt like the two ladies of the house, I certainly am fascinated by the daily watch of developing edibles.

I will go more than a month without travelling for any type of work, which is a first. My last trip was so enjoyable, I took some time off! Ah, Buffalo dorm life...

(Yep, that was my abode for a whole week with 3 roommates. I don't feel old, but I can not remember when I enjoyed sleeping in a place like that)

We finally got back to the little lake this summer (thank you, Laurent family!) and got a little R&R in the sun. More importantly, it gave us the opportunity to let the little fuzz practice her doggy-paddle stroke...

All in all, we've really had a chance to relax, which is great. Mandy continues to update the house as she channels the interior designer within. Friends are getting married, friends are having babies and we continue to realize that every day is an amazing gift. Grateful isn't a strong enough word for the life I have and the opportunities provided. The more people who can share that attitude, the better the country, in my opinion.

So, enjoy your summer, wherever you may be!