Saturday, January 3, 2009

Moppin' up the holiday cheer

Happy New Year! And what a year it's been. We had a great holiday jam packed with activities and a little much-needed time away from work. Spent the last couple days putting away decorations, vacuuming an endless trail of pine needles, eating endless amounts of leftovers, getting thank-you notes in the mail and trying not to think about all the email I have waiting for me Monday morning. More pictures are a-comin', but in the meantime, here's a little flavor of what we've been up to-- four Christmases (three at our place), a houseguest (KT), dates with Kate and mom including one particularly delicious one at South Bend Chocolate Company, a fierce wii Brain Game Academy tourny that Will and I played nightly (for hours) after the crowds had gone, and the dishes were soaking. No wonder we have had so little sleep. Gracie, however, had no problem pawing the snooze button until Noon. :)

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