So, Mandy and I are quickly putting our focus back on the more important things, like enjoying our summertime! Yep, we even golfed together (see right - more on that later)
It was also my Beloved's birthday this past weekend, she still doesn't look a day over 21! No, seriously, how many times does she get carded at restaurants or confused as a minor? 27-years-old. We probably met for the first time at age 7 or so, making it two decades of knowing each other. And I love her even more today (well, girls were sooooo gross back in 1st grade, remember.)
So, to celebrate the big 2-7, we went to Lafayette to party with Mandy's good friend Beth, and her fiancee, Mike. Coincidentally, we'll be back up in Purdue country this weekend for their wedding. The girls have a favorite piano bar, which is a part of a much larger country dance club called the Neon Cactus.

We sang... (badly)
We drank a little. (C'mon, one shot of tequilla can't hurt you, right?)

And somehow, we managed to wake up in time to play a little golf and come home for the icing on the cake, a Rascal Flatts concert at Deer Creek "don't ever call me Verizon" Music Center...
(I promise, there was a band there too)
I am not a big country fan, but it was a good time. Lots of fun people and a gorgeous night to be outside. In fact, after a roller-coaster of weather this past month or so, we've settled into an ideal week here in Indiana. Grace has her own pool in the backyard. Mandy and I can guilt ourselves into running again (hahaha) since it isn't a steam bath outside. We even are getting some yard work done.
It's what summer should be!
1 comment:
Happy B-day Mandy! Can't wait to see you guys at the lake.
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