Last night, I had the privilege of hosting dinner for a few of my dearest friends. We enjoyed delicious food, a couple glasses of wine, stories, lots of laughs and each other’s company. From discussing the anticipation of a new baby in our group to my oh-so-graceful tumble into a cold tub of water in my party dress just the night before, we found ourselves carried into the wee hours with conversation.
Each time they leave, I find my shoulders just a little lighter-- whatever I had been holding onto all day (that project at work) falls away, and they do it just by being them.
No, we don’t see each other enough. We don’t write enough or text enough or stay involved in the intricate fabric we each weave throughout our days like we should, but we know and we understand and love each other still.
Happily, several of my good friends who have been living far away are back in Indy now, and I’m thrilled to be able to see them more. I don’t know who I’d be without my girlfriends. The gift they have to give is as unique to our relationship as the person within them I have come to privately know.
I received this from one of them this week, which seems so fitting: Kelly Corrigan reading from her piece, “Transcending.” So beautiful and true.
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