Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who know a couple cans of Killz could make me so happy?

I'm back! Long time, no post. Life has been more than hectic lately, but I wanted to post some new pictures of our lives as of late.

After days of scraping, sanding and bleaching, we stripped our post-flood basement floor and walls, and began the big renovation. It only took the two of us a week! And it only took another week for me to stop being sore in places I didn't know I had! We are so happy it's finished, and that everything is at least a foot off the basement floor in case there is a "next time." When you loose half your stuff, you get the perk of re-arranging some things. Now, it's nice and friendly looking-- a major improvement from the grab-your-laundry-and-get-the-hell-up-the-stairs-before-the-boogyman-gets-you previous decor. Here are some before/after shots.



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