Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recovery Week

So I just got on our blog after a few days away and realized that Mandy and I really painted a depressing picture over the past few days, so it's time to turn things around and be happier, right?!?!
First off, a day late, but... Happy Cinco de Mayo. The holiday that, like most good things from the Mexican culture, we have stolen and made our own in America. In fact, I bet if you polled 100 people in this country, at least 80 couldn't even tell you what Cinco de Mayo is in celebration of (including Mandy and I last night; thank you Google!). Either way, we put work aside after a hard day yesterday and braved the crowds to our favorite Mexican restaurant and lost our voices trying to have a casual conversation. It was a perfect Monday! Made even more perfect by my good friend...

And today is Election Day for the state of Indiana. And who would have ever thought that our lazy-butt primary would have an impact nationally. As two registered democrats (don't boo, you all still love us), it has been an interesting build-up for the past few months. Mandy and I have enjoyed becoming a bit more politically aware about issues outside of our own personal passions. I do think that this process has been good for the country and has people excited again in the democratic process. However, I have become more disenfranchised with the system at the same time. Who spends more on advertising? Who can dig up the most dirt on the other? Who can spin the other's words the best? I think it's frightening that both Hilary and Barack are extremely similar in terms of beliefs, but because the process is so drawn out, there is no debate over the issues any more, just mud slinging.

Does anybody else find the "momentum" word to be funny in all of this? Hilary had a double-digit lead at one point. Barack closed the gap and then took a big lead. Now, Hilary is back in reach. How can anybody say who is the best candidate based on today? The opinion of American flip-flops each week.

We really don't like putting our political viewpoints out there because we respect the individual right to make your own choice. We know people supporting all sides, but why have a blog if you won't post your opinions, right? Mandy and I both cast our vote today for Barack Obama. I won't speak for her opinion on him and why he would be such a great leader, but I've become more convinced that he is the right man for the job. I do not trust our government one bit. There is too much lobbying, influence from a small minority and politicking that goes on. I firmly believe he will break down a lot of those barriers. I also am big on effective communicators, and the man is brilliant when it comes to conversation and public speaking. I think it's shameful that our current President is despised in so mnay places around the world that diplomacy isn't even an option. I believe Obama can change that.

We'll see how it all plays out. I feel bad for every candidate involved because of the work that has gone into everything, and how much they lay on the line just to try and win votes. For every article talking about Obama's opinion on the gas tax (btw, I agree with him. I need the extra money, but cutting the gas tax for 3 months doesn't solve the oil crisis, which tons of people in my state apparently are too dumb to realize), there are twice as many articles about something his pastor said. You know what, I am associated with a lot of people who have said controversial things in their lives, and the last time I checked, people knew that I was a man of my own beliefs.

Hopefully the campaigning can end soon, so we can finally put the focus back on what it deserves to be on: helping our country and the rest of the world become a more civil, vital and successful place for us to live in.

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